The Best Place for a KFC in Uganda.

I'm quite sure that KFC global expansion will be targeting Uganda in short order. English is the official language and as we can see in the map poultry production is wide spread. So if we take major road access and density of poultry production it would seem Fort Portal, Kampala, and Mbale are the big hubs. If you throw Hotellings law into the equation all the KFC's should be in Kampala, right next each other, across the street, from BK, McD, Taco Hell, and at least twelve gas stations.

These maps present a visual description of the poultry density in Uganda as revealed by data from the agricultural module of the Uganda Population and Housing Census conducted in 2002. The maps have been created by a collaborative effort between Uganda Bureau of Statistics and ILRI as a means of providing information on the potentially threatened areas in terms of avian flu commonly known as bird flu. Poultry is defined as local chicken, exotic or cross breed chicken, turkeys, ducks, guinea fowl and geese. The data is based on average number of birds per month for the last 3 months regardless of age. Data was found online in Shapefiel format at:

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