A Few Key Facts About Africa.

Looking for facts about Africa? You are in the right place! Whether you need information for a report, want to know more about Africa for decorating purposes, or are just curious about this amazing continent, this article is a great resource. With many great African facts condensed into just a few paragraphs, this article will make you knowledgeable about this corner of the world in no time at all!

Our first set of facts about Africa includes just the basics to get you started. Africa is the second largest continent in the world, with Asia being the first. It is also second only to Asia in terms of population. It is home to more than 900,000,000 people and accounts for 14% of the world’s population. Africa boasts the widest range of wild animals, ranging from carnivores to rare amphibians. This is due partly to its wide climate range, with deserts and jungles alike.

Our second set of facts about Africa applies to the continents history. Among the scientific community, there is a consensus that Africa is the original home of the human race. Fossils and evidence have been found there that date back to seven million years ago. Proof of our evolutionary ancestors has also been found there, making this a hotbed of science and, essentially, the cradle of our civilization as we know it.

Our next set of facts about Africa applies to the cultural aspects of the continent. Because there were so many ancient tribes in Africa at one time, the culture varies quite a bit from country to country. Different art forms, musical techniques and religions pepper the land of Africa. From Egypt to South Africa, the continent is diverse and constantly changing. The countries of Africa are slowly but surely entering the urban age and adopting globalization and the traditions of more westernized areas.

Our final set of facts about Africa is about the name “Africa” itself. Some people believe that the word Africa comes from the Latin word “aprica”, which means “sunny”. Others say that it comes from the Greek word “aphrike”, which means “without cold”. Another interesting theory comes from Roman history, which says a large portion of people who lived in northern Africa were named “afri” when the Romans happened upon them. The Romans supposedly applied their suffix “ca”, which means “country” or “land”. Whatever the reason for the name, we now know Africa as a beautiful and diverse.

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